RB 22

Adhesion bridge / absorption regulator / rough coat based on natural hydraulic lime CALCE NATURA NHL 5, air lime MICROCALCE CL 90-S and selected calcium carbonate aggregates

PALLADIO RB 22 is a premixed product suitable as adherence bridge / absorption regulator / rough coat based on natural hydraulic lime CALCE NATURA NHL 5, air lime MICROCALCE
CL90-S and selected calcium carbonate aggregates with a grain size curve up to 2.5
mm, with a low content of soluble salts.
PALLADIO RB 22 has the following features:
• high adhesion to the substrate (brick, concrete, stone or solid brick);
• abrasion resistance;
• durability over time;
• breathability;
• does not form a vapour barrier;
• does not contain synthetic resins or solvents.
On the employment fields:
PALLADIO RB 22 can be used as adhesion bridge/absorption regulator/adhesion undercoat on indoor/outdoor brick, solid brick, concrete, mixed stone surfaces.
Data sheet:
Specific weight determined in free fall
Maximum diameter
Water in the mix (percentage)
ca. 19
Water vapor permeability μ
Thermal conductivity
Data sheet
Safety Data Sheet
Balbi Palace
Venice (VE)
Ex Red House
Arcella (PD)
Gandusio Theater
Rovinj, Croatia
Medulin Church
Medulin, Croatia
Public Building
Naples (NA)
Rab Church
Rab, Croatia