BM 30

Bio-mortar for masonry with exposed brickworks facade, M2.5 class based on natural hydraulic lime NHL 5

Dry premixed based on selected inerts, binders based on aerial and natural hydraulic lime NHL 5, with high purity and low soluble salt content and highly bio-degradable special additives.

On the employment fields:
BM 30 is a mortar for masonry with exposed brickworks facade, interior or exterior, particularly indicated for restoration and bio-construction works, which require low mechanical resistence and high plasticity and grip. Its special formula allows for the obtaining of a mortar with mechanical resistence to compression equal to 2.5 N/mm2 after 28 days. The low particle size allows for a perfect styling of the joints.

Data sheet:
Specific weight determined in free fall
Maximum diameter
Water in the mix (percentage)
ca. 19
Water vapor permeability μ
Thermal conductivity 10°C (λ)
Data sheet
Safety Data Sheet