Natural hydraulic lime NHL 3.5 according to the EN 459-1 Standard

NATURAL-LIME is a natural hydraulic lime NHL 3.5 according to the EN 459-1 Standard obtained through calcination of limestone marl extracted from natural quarries, performed in vertical furnaces and subsequently subjected to extinguishing treatment and maturation process before being sent to the grinder. NATURAL LIME is a traditional binder, free of cement and gypsum, with a good resistance to sulphates. The hardening process is slow, with low withdrawals and development of resistance over time. The obtained mortars have a low elasticity module, with a high surface grip and good water retention, which facilitates proper curing.

On the employment fields:
NATURAL-LIME besides being used in the formula of the PALLADIO product line, is suitable for interior and exterior decorative plasters, for use in restoration as a binder to be included in the composition of rehabilitation, dehumidifying or lightweight mortars and plasters, or to consolidate arches and masonry with the “cuci-scuci” technique. The high purity of raw materials and the production techniques used make it particularly suitable for interventions in Biobuilding for the production of plasters, substrates and finishing, mortars for masonry and screeds. Thanks to the clear color of the product, it may also be used for the production of items which can highlight the color of the aggregates used (“salt and pepper”) or of the solis and coloring oxides.

Data sheet:
Specific weight determined in free fall
Curing start time
Final curing time
< 900
Safety Data Sheet