Foundations and consolidation
Special mortar for foundations, with controlled shrinkage, for medium and high pressure injections, for use in the presence of water and special geotechnical contexts.
INJECT HD is a special premixed, single-component, pourable, controlled-shrinkage mortar
specifically designed for the construction of jet-gr outing columns, micropiles, tie-rods and
valved systems in general in the pr esence of water.
On the employment fields:
INJECT HD complies with the r ecommendations of “UNI EN 14199 Execution of special geo -
technical works: Micropiles”:
• the absence of bleeding and/or segr egation phenomena
• the good cohesiveness of the dough
• adequate fluidity
• the ability to self-compact
• workability
• the minimum cement content
• the mechanical resistance to compression
Data sheet:
Water in the mix (percentage)
ca. 30
Specific weight determined in free fall
Data sheet
Safety Data Sheet