03/15/2015 - It 'a real law that will enter' into force on 1 July 2013, directly and immediately applicable in the territory of the EU laying down harmonized conditions for the marketing of construction products, repealing the Directive 89/106 / EC - CPD, which will remain 'in force until 30.06.2013.
The main purpose of CPR and 'the removal of technical barriers to the free movement of products that exist today, who come from different product standards and testing, the different systems of certification and demonstration of compliance' (for the same product) in the different countries EU.
The CPR lists and describes 7 BASIC REQUIREMENTS of construction works (BWR - Basic Works Requirements) that must be met. Adopting the 7 requirements are obtained ESSENTIAL CHARACTERISTICS, related to the CE marking and the Declaration of Performance (DoP).
The requirement to apply CPR involves:
- Producers (those that manufacture or produce a product and do the marketing with their name or brand);
- Distributors;
- Importers.
Manufacturers shall, in addition to the DoP and the CE marking, must ensure that their products are accompanied by instructions and information about their safety (especially for those products that are considered hazardous under the RE 1907/2006, called REACH).
With the DoP, the manufacturer assumes responsibility