Sanitizing breathable paint for interiors

UNO ANTIMUFFA is an water paint composed of synthetic copolymers in aqueous dispersion, pigments and selected white fillers, solvent-free and with low VOC content, with a mixture of broad-spectrum biocidal additives that counteracts the emergence and proliferation of molds, fungi and algae.
The product has a matt and opaque appearance, it has excellent breathability and it is easy to clean, it is easily applicable, like a classic interior water paint.

On the employment fields:
UNO ANTIMUFFA is suitable for interior application on mortar plasters based on hydraulic lime-binder, base finishes gypsum-based and plasterboard. In particular, it is suitable for domestic environments with a high presence of water vapor, such as kitchens, bathrooms, basements, cellars, etc. The product has a mainly preventive action against the attack of molds, fungi and algae, but it can also be used for remediation of areas already damaged and previously painted.
UNO ANTIMUFFA may be tinted with the arteMURI tintometric system.
Data sheet:
5 litri / 14 litri
Consumption (litre)
Diluition with water
Theoretical yield
5 m²/litro a due mani
Data sheet
Safety Data Sheet