Fine quartz finish for exterior surfaces
QUARZ ONE is a micro-decoration based on fine quartz, on acrylic copolymers in aqueous dispersion, color pigments resistant to light and to UV rays and selected siliceous fillers. The product has
a high filling and covering power, it is very resistant to alkali, weathering and a low dirt retention. Moreover, it is very resistant to rubbing and washing.
On the employment fields:
QUARZ ONE is thus suitable for outdoor applications, on mortar plasters based on hydraulic limebinder, premixed and traditional, finished and concrete conglomerates.
It is suitable for the exterior protection and decoration of new buildings and works of urban renovation.
QUARZ ONE may be tinted with the arteMURI tintometric system.
Data sheet:
5 litri / 15 litri
Consumption (litre)
Diluition with water
Theoretical yield
4,1 m²/litro a due mani
Data sheet
Safety Data Sheet